
Embracing Fashion with a Conscience

At Etiquette GC, we believe in the harmonious coexistence of style, quality, and environmental responsibility. Our journey in sustainable fashion is guided by a steadfast commitment to reducing our ecological footprint, even as we spread our sartorial wings across the globe.

Sustainable Sourcing: Threads of Change

Our commitment begins at the source. We meticulously select materials that look good, feel good and also echo our environmental ethos. Each fabric, button, and thread is chosen for its minimal impact on the planet, ensuring that our products are as kind to the earth as they are to your wardrobe.

Eco-Friendly Packaging: Wrapped in Responsibility

Every order you receive is a testament to our dedication to sustainability. Our packaging, crafted from materials that respect the Earth, reflects our philosophy of reducing waste without compromising on quality and aesthetic appeal. It's not just a package; it's our pledge to the planet.

Mindful Manufacturing: Conscious Creation

Partnering with facilities in China and the UK, we ensure that our manufacturing processes align with our philosophy. Our partners share our vision of sustainability, employing practices that minimize environmental impact, reduce carbon footprint, and support ethical labour standards. Together, we create fashion that's responsible and respectful.

Carbon Footprint: Steps Towards a Greener Tomorrow

Understanding the environmental cost of global shipping, we are actively working on strategies to offset our carbon footprint. Every shipment is a step towards a greener future, as we invest in initiatives that contribute to environmental conservation and renewable energy projects.

Continuous Improvement: Our Ongoing Commitment

Sustainability is an evolving journey, and we are committed to continuous improvement. We actively seek new methods, materials, and practices that push the boundaries of eco-friendly fashion. Our policy is not static; it grows with our brand and the changing needs of our planet.

Together, let's weave a future that's fashionable and sustainable.